

CLASS 9  ENGLISH SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-21 Dear students This year , CBSE has introduced a new book to complement the Beehive and Moments Readers. This book will help you to develop skills that are critical for the overall development of a student such  as the skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking , problem solving and compassion. This book is meant for self reading and each unit corresponds to the unit of the Beehive literature reader. A variety of tasks and activities such as comprehension passages , editing paragraphs etc are placed strategically (based on the theme of the literature reader)to enable the students develop their language. The book is intended for self learning and  is directly addressed to the students. During the summer break we want you complete the first two units of the book and enjoy this resource. You also need to prepare for your PA1 Exams in July The book is available on NCERT...


GOOD MORNING DEAR STUDENTS PLEASE POST YOUR ATTENDANCE HERE: Loading… WIND BLOG 1  Good morning boys.   Thank you for logging in. today we shall  begin with a discussion on the poem 'wind'. at the end of this lesson you will be able to: understand the central idea of the poem summarize the poem Before we begin let me ask you all a simple question: have you ever felt how wonderful it is on a hot summer day to feel a cool breeze blowing across the room you are sitting in? have you also been terrified by the sound of the wind howling during a fierce storm? the wind is both a friend and a foe at different times. These two images will give you an idea of how it may be both a friend and a nuisance lets begin by reading the poem: ‘WIND’ , SUBRAMANIA BHARTI [TRANSLATED FROM TAMIL BY A.K.RAMANUJAN] what is the main idea of this poem; The poem ‘Wind’ describes the power of the wind on nature and human life. It focus...


20th May 2020 PLEASE POST YOUR ATTENDANCE: Loading… THE LOST CHILD  LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students will be able to  summarize the text  state the theme and answer the questions that follow. THEME:  In The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand we have the theme of desire, materialism, connection, kindness, desperation, acceptance and security. Taken from his Selected Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and from the beginning of the story the reader realises that Anand may be exploring the theme of desire. The young unnamed boy as he is walking with his parents asks his parents for many things. None of which his parents will buy for him. As to why this may be is uncertain though it may be a case that neither parent wishes to spoil their son. He willingly accepts the fact that his parents are refusing to buy him the thing that the wants. It is also possible that Anand is placing a spotlig...


19TH MAY 2020                                                       CHAPTER: THE LOST CHILD  GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!! PLEASE POST YOUR ATTENDANCE HERE: Loading… THE LOST CHILD LEARNING OUTCOMES: List out the word meanings Summarize the story Analyze the plot, theme and characters DEAR STUDENTS TODAY WE WILL DISCUSS PAGES 3,4,5 AND 6 RECAP: The story is about a little boy who is excited to go to the village fair. It explores his child like innocence as he is enjoying the various sights in the fair under the careful scrutiny of his parents. NOW LETS UNDERSTAND THE STORY FURTHER:  The parents called the child who was running and playing around a banyan tree. They lifted him and walked down a narrow, twisting lane through which they crossed the mustard fields and reached the fa...


18TH MAY 2020 THE LOST CHILD PLEASE POST YOUR ATTENDANCE HERE: Loading… LEARNING OUTCOMES: List out the word meanings Summarize the story Analyze the plot, theme and characters DEAR STUDENTS TODAY WE WILL BEGING THE FIRST CHAPTER FROM MOMENTS READER. WE WILL DISCUSS PAGES 1 AND 2 The Lost Child  is the story of a small child who gets lost in a fair. This is written by Mulk Raj Anand. About the Poet Mulk Raj Anand Mulk Raj Anand (1905-2004)  was an Indian writer in English, notable for his depiction of the lives of the poorer castes in traditional Indian society. He is a prominent Indian author of novels, short stories, and critical essays in English, who is known for his realistic and sympathetic portrayal of the poor in India. A prolific writer, Anand first gained wide recognition for his novels Untouchable (1935) and Coolie (1936), both of which examined the problems of poverty in Indian society. In 1945 he returned to Bombay (now Mumba...